Professor, Departments of Africana Studies (75%)
Art & Design, Visual Communication (25%),
University of Delaware
After working as an art director in New York City, she became an educator, artist, and writer. Her visual work, exhibited internationally, ranges from digital prints and artist books to websites and interactive installations. Since 2005, she has written about former Black Panther artist Emory Douglas’s work, including his current international human rights artist activism. Her essays on his work appear in Black Panther: The Revolutionary Art of Emory Douglas (for which she wrote a new introduction to the 2014 edition), West of Center: Art and the Counterculture Experiment in America, 1965-1977, Global Maoism, and the Chinese Cultural Revolution, and other publications. The 2022 book The Black Experience in Design includes her essay on evolving visual literacy. After numerous trips to Cuba, she has written about Afro-Cuban art, design, and culture, especially relating to issues of race. Her visual work and writing investigate creative activism. Her teaching focuses on the ways that popular culture influences social change.
You can find her on social media platforms by searching "Colette Gaiter"